💫 Hi, My name Is Joseph!!
I am the author and pen name owner of the infamous C.J. Perry™️!
Would you believe that I started this journey to self-healing in the most challenging time of my life? I quit and got fired from 23 jobs in a span of 5 years. Not too much I was separated from my mother at the age of 6 and abandoned by her. She gave me up to the US Foster Care System. I grew up in residential programs, group homes, and foster homes up until the age of 18 years old
I have been homeless, in gangs, sold drugs, hurt people, and liked it.
Talk about a rough life and trauma. I had every emotion and negative thought, from depression to anxiety, high stress, suicidal thoughts, hopelessness, broken, and broke. Yea, I am not afraid to admit the truth.
But how did I get through it? With years of personal development and tenacious worship of God, Jesus. Went from broke to wealthy, and broken to whole in less than a year. On top of that, Good Self Healing Habits was birthed through that entire process and are now thriving.
So what better person can you learn from who has been through everything that you might be going through?
Why should you listen to me?
An M.A. degree in Life Coaching and Counseling with a background in surviving bullshit. What are you struggling with that you seem not to have control of? What issues could you be dealing with mentally or professionally that, if you just had someone you could listen and talk to who knew what you were going through, you could excel and make it through? You could start that business you always dreamt of. You could succeed in the path to wealth you always envisioned. You could experience daily happiness through all of your pain, loss, and defeat.
PS: You can literally write a comment on any one of our blogs, and we’ll respond immediately with what you can do to overcome your struggle. Literally FREE mentorship!
We know a thing or two about developing good habits and discipline.
⭐️Became a Mindset Coach and Speaker
⭐️ Escaped the 9-5 rat race
⭐️Built a successful online business
⭐️Became a published author
⭐️Healed from losses, pain, and trauma
The Purpose Behind Good Self-Healing Habits
I Founded Good Self Healing Habits at the brink of 2019 to give out the best ways to become successful fast. I believe there is a lot of fluff online, and I vowed to tell the truth, the behind-the-scenes, and the real deal of what you need to know and do to overcome your struggles.
I created unique empowering Affirmations, unruly journaling prompts that may hurt, and countless step-by-step guides and templates that you can use to get ahead of your competition and stand out from the crowd. Let me ask you, are you currently seeking major Success in what you are working on? Do you wish to truly feel Happiness again like when you think of your favorite memory? Have you been typing in Google’s search bar, “How to be FREE from my annoying 9-5” lately? Well, step by step I tell you exactly what you need to do. No sugar coating it.
My Best Selling Book PEACE BE SHADOW WORK, has helped over 15,000 and counting hurt people go from Pain To Gain. My Inner Work Journal has been voted The Best Carry-On Journal 2 years in a row! We are rocking it.
~YOU Are More Than Good Enough, You Always Have Been, YOU Always WILL Be Good ENOUGH~
Right now, it may seem like there is no light at the end of the tunnel. That you’re working on yourself but not getting where you want to be fast enough. 😐
You might be a parent, who works all day and is burnt out by night time. You open your eyes at times and realize you are just existing and not “Living” your best life. 😒
Perhaps you think that what you doing is never enough. You may feel all alone in your journey and wish you could walk the journey with someone who cares just as much as you. 😔
I’ll tell you what, stick around, and I promise you we’ll meet face to face, and I’ll tell you myself that you are not alone. I got your back. Why do I care so much? Because I also had no one to go to for help, and at times, I still don’t. Just hang in there. You got this!
I understand that as leaders who are on the road to victory, we tend to be extremely stressed because of the vast amount of responsibility we hold as entrepreneurs, business owners, passionate life enthusiasts, and peacekeepers. No matter who you are and what you do, we are dedicated and committed to your self-growth and personal development, professionally and personally, no matter what life throws your way.
We’ll hold you Accountable.
~”C.J. Perry”~