
Mindset & Business Coaching Programs

With 6+ years of coaching and teaching high-performing individuals, entrepreneurs, and business owners the power of an Expansive Mindset working 1-on-1, in group settings, and speaking on stages; Joseph has set the course of what it means to break your way through the noise of the business world using your creative uniqueness.

Whether you’re a busy parent, a student, in a struggling marriage, or lost in life, The keys to your success, are your mindset and attitudes toward life. Joseph will help you manifest your future reality by improving your mindset through good self-healing habits and taking calculated steps to ensure you achieve your ‘impossible’ goals.

Success Menu

Set yourself free. The American dream way.

1 Insight

That’s all it Takes. To Change your life.

1 on 1 Coaching

* 16-week program

*Starting Price. Pricing Varies*

  • 12 Step by Step Phonecall Strategy Sessions
  • 2 Personalized 180-Day Game Plan
  • Live Meditation & Stress Relief Sessions
  • Monthly Personalized Plan Revisions
  • High-Performance Weekly Challenges
  • Personal branding strategy session
  • Guaranteed salary doubling plans

Group Program $2,997/mo

* 24 week program

*Designed For Organizations

  • Weekly Motivational Talks
  • Group Facilitation
  • 1 on 1 Mindset Coaching for participants
  • Personalized Strategy Plans for Participants
  • High-Performance Weekly Challenges
  • Mindfulness Exercises
  • Weekly Meditation Sessions
  • Prayer Practice Classes

Speaking Fee

* 30 minutes

*Time and Pricing Vary

  • Leadership Seminars
  • Keynote
  • Training Seminars
  • Conference
  • Motivational


Yes, without a doubt. However, like everything else, your results are based on your commitment and determination level. My guidance is a tried and tested sure plan that works for anyone. However, YOU must do the work if you want to receive the desired outcome.

Once we have a free consultation, you will know if this is for you or not. This accelerator program is not for everyone as it requires effort and push through, but if you are tired of being sick and tired, we can push through your limiting beliefs together, and you will win.

If this program does not work out for you, 10 times out of 10, you did not give it your 100%. You left energy on the table. You can ONLY take a 7 day break to get yourself together “ONCE“. This means you can pick back up where you left off once you have fully committed to excellence and success.

I will be your chief operating officer and assume responsibility and take necessary actions to achieve your company’s missions. A seat at the board is required if you wish to have a hands-on approach in your business or life strategy.

All training will be done online virtually, over the phone, zoom calls & through text and email messaging. If you are working 1-on-1 with me, we will have a meeting once throughout the year in a Five Star Resort Hotel.

There is no money back guarantee. You must burn the boats if you wish to conquer the island. Once you have a a clause in your business or life plan, your brain subconsciously knows there is a plan B or an escape route. No success will be attained if you have a backup plan in life.

Often times we confuse nervousness with excitement. The brain doesn’t know the difference between the two. What you fear the most is the very thing you must do to overcome your biggest challenges. Your better version of yourself always awaits you on the other side of what you fear the most.