Working on yourself just goes easier. Today we will lay out the road map on how to work on yourself to create your desired lifestyle. Whether it’s a business you plan on making successful, your personal lifestyle that you wish on enhancing, or becoming the person you idolize most, there are steps you will have to take that are the right steps. Everything self will be the focus of today’s conversation. Time to take this approach, “forget everyone else’s needs, let’s work on me”.
Table of Contents
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The Truth About Success
The hard truth of the matter is, it is getting increasingly harder to work on yourself than ever before. With the number of requirements that most companies are expecting from their employees or the amount of competition in any given niche, it is becoming a lot more challenging to focus on you and your needs.
There are not enough hours in the day. You have to be incredibly disciplined in order for you to make the life change that you are hoping to acquire. Your habits must be in line, according to Law that influences the life you plan to live. If you wish to become successful, you must have the five keys to success first.
What are the 5 keys to success?
The ability to learn, seek knowledge and information, and apply knowledge
Having the health, and energy to execute and act, that what is thought or idea
Positive thinking
The skill of having a purely positive outlook of every possible outcome despite difficulty or negative situations
The art of persistence in doing something despite difficulty or delay in achieving success
the quality or fact of being very determined; determination.
Each key is a determining factor in your success. The most successful people have a vision of what they wish to attain. In order to have a vision, you must have a sense of wisdom to initiate the idea.
In order to maintain and create a new reality, one must have a continued input of energy for wisdom in order to learn new ideas and manage and manipulate what currently exists. You cannot see a new point of view looking from where you currently are. You must move positions to get a new angel. How do you get a new angle?
You get a new perception of life by reading constantly and attaining new information. You must read content 4 days out of 7 days a week minimum to keep up with the high intensity that it takes to make any kind of change. Listening to new ideas from others is another great practice.
Listen to podcasts, successful people’s interviews, talking to someone who does what you wish to do, or audiobooks will alter your perception.
Where do I start when working on myself first?
You start from wherever you feel comfortable and need the most work. These ideas are not set in stone nor are they in any particular order.
Use these ideas as a clear path, you just choose the direction. Listening and reading are excellent starting points but submerging yourself in your desired environment is best. You must see it in person. Going to the actual environment that you wish to be a part of is key to your success.
Like a tree in its roots, this tree becomes what is in its environment by being deeply rooted and embedded in the soil in which it intends on becoming. Use the 5 keys on a constant basis, as in this same tree for example.
This tree first is a seed, it is planted in its soil. Using water, sun, air, and nutrients from its environment is its wisdom. It physically, through photosynthesis extracts its food and nourishment from what it has around it. It has a positive mind through its DNA that cannot be withered.
The wise plant never sees any other distraction or internal factor that prevents it from growing. It only knows one thing to do always.
With perseverance, it grows every day, using the same process that it knows to become its desired final phase. With tenacity, it never quits. It becomes a tree through its persistence and determination or it will die trying. Oftentimes, it will never die because it sticks to the laws of growth. Stick to the Laws of life and you will see it through.
We are just getting started. Let’s talk about how to work on yourself.
How to Work on Yourself
What does it mean to work on yourself?
It means working on the 5 most important areas of your life that increase the overall health factor of who you are as an individual. Studying various topics of the wealth circle equates to an increase in your wisdom which in turn develops your personal character. Without these 5 must-have areas in your life being continuously worked on, you will not see any improvement in your overall success meter.
What are the 5 areas of life?
Spiritual health
Emotional health
Mental health
Physical health
Social health
These 5 areas of life will balance out your inner well-being thus enabling you to achieve a high level of performance. In order to excel at greater peaks, one must adapt to the qualities of personal growth following these 5 categories of ultimate health for wealth.
As a law, focusing on the fundamentals of human needs will help you reach greater heights and achievements. Success will be inevitable, and failure with never be in question. It all boils down to the habits that you have.
How to Build The Right Habits
Start Small
Every great leader, first started out small. They started with nothing. These people used what they had which was not much. Leaders took each hour of their day extremely seriously.
The greats also used their time wisely and made every day count which allowed them to see and taste victory. To build performance habits, you must first choose what it is that you would like to learn as a skill(s) set and dedicate all of your time to your craft using one step at a time.
The law of the universe states that with each step you take, you are bound to move, you may not move forward but you are moving. With this in mind, as well as equipping yourself with the right knowledge and wisdom, you will move forward, and not just move.
You shall see success guaranteed if you use the right steps. The question is how bad do you want it? Are you willing to adopt a Never Quit Mentality? Are you willing to stick to the long-term vision?
Plan Out The Vision
As you get ready to change your life and attain that which you desire, you must be obsessed with the vision. In order to be obsessed, you will need to map out your whole plan in full detail. You must have it memorized in your head mentally, as importantly memorized visually; on paper. You must be able to see it every time you close your eyes.
The easiest way to do this is by writing in your journal, a complete detailed plan, from beginning to end. Break down everything. Your book should be about 50- 100 pages long. Get incredibly detailed and do not leave anything out.
Start from step 1 all the way to step 100. Within each step should be the details to make things attainable. Remember anything is possible. This leads me to the next step of obsession.
Build a Lifestyle Around You
As you have created your vision and detailed your plan precisely, you will start to notice a dramatic increase in passion, a burning desire to win, as well as an increase and hunger for knowledge to attain that which you plan on achieving.
You will then need to make your dream, become part of your daily lifestyle. Your day must consist of at least 13 hours minimum of thinking about your dream lifestyle.
Let’s say for instance you plan on making your business a success. You need to attach every part of your day to the dream.
Your social media, your Instagram, your Facebook, your email, your messages, what and who you listen to, what you talk about, what you watch, and what you write about should all be attached to your dream in some way shape, or form.
The more that you do this on a constant daily basis, the faster you will become obsessed with making your dream a reality and the quicker you will be able to develop the ideas to move closer to your goals. If you don’t have this lifestyle yet, then start by creating a routine.
Routine and Structure
Every successful individual has created a ritual, a structure, and a routine that enables them the efficiency and effectiveness of fast growth.
The hardest part of the day is adhering to the schedule. With simple tools that are available to you such as apps, reminders, and planners, you can easily follow a structure that can help with streamlining your success.
The easiest way to do this is by buying a valuable, expensive planner or journal that will enable you to write all of your thoughts as well as your routine in detail. Why expensive you may ask?
The more money you spend on something the more inclined you are able to use it. You may also use your phone if you are disciplined enough to have it all on there. Once you create your routine and structure your day precisely, then it will help simplify your action plans.
Simplify Your Action Plan
Simplifying your action plan takes hard work and tenacity. We as humans like to take simple things and make them out to be complex. We become overwhelmed by the outside picture of the way things are without taking the time to become knowledgeable of how they actually came to be.
Everyone can become successful, it is easy to do, but it is just as easy not to do. That is why many people fail. Having a lack of discipline and a step-by-step structured plan are the issues.
Best Journal to Buy for Personal Growth
Peace Be ShadowWorkJournal

In the book, Peace Be Shadow Work you will discover:
• 29 habits that can instantly improve your life.
• How to get into a routine (managed by an already done-for-you plan) that allows you to journal every single day.
• An effective approach used by experts to heal from your past failures
• A shadow workers meditation using peaceful exercises to remove negativity
You also get so much room to jot down your ideas, plans and schedule your life accordingly.
You’ll also be given tools that keep you motivated and consistent. So even if you are a busy person who is a beginner, or an expert shadow worker, you’ll still find the time and energy to implement these habits on a consistent basis.
Final Thoughts on How to Work on Yourself
According to Google research, the question, how to work on yourself, has been a question that almost half a billion people want to know the answer to. You my friend are one of those lucky people who will see success if you keep on going.
As you aim for your goal, be sure to spend time working on your craft. Learn to work harder on yourself than you do on your job. Learn the skills that pertain to your goal only, and target each health area in your life. Those health areas include your social health, mental health, physical health, spiritual health, and emotional health.
Here is your next assignment. Pick two of the five health categories. Structure a plan to learn as much as you can on how to develop yourself.
Each category should be worked on for 2 weeks in a row. For the month you should have two categories almost perfected if you implement exactly what you learned. Rinse and repeat, and you will succeed without question.
By the end of the year, you will be closer to your dream life and you can look a life through a whole new set of lenses. Then change your position based on where you are.
If you haven’t already, join our accountability community on Facebook where thousands of members will help you move forward on your goals.
If you got any value from reading this today, let’s lift up the world so everyone can win. Share this post on your preferred social media platform and let’s help people get what they want so you can get what you want! Thank you so much in advance, I cannot wait to see where you will be in the next year. Go execute and come back and comment below on your journey!!
Until Next time
Keep self-healing
C.J. Perry
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